We Recycle a Wide Variety of Solid and Liquid Mercury Wastes
Bethlehem Apparatus can handle more kinds of mercury bearing waste than any other recycler. Our facilities and systems have the capacity to process from a few ounces to truckloads of 55-gallon drums efficiently and cost effectively. We can process a wide variety of materials including:
Batteries (mercury containing only)
- Alkaline dry cells
- Button cells
- Carbon-air batteries
- Large zinc-air batteries
- Mercury oxide batteries
- Silver cells
Electrical Equipment
- Glass switches
- Ignitron tubes
- Mercury pressure regulators
- Mercury rectifiers
- Mercury relays
- Mercury switches
- Metal switches
- Telephone switches
- Thermocouples
- Thermostats
- Other mercury containing devices
- Activated charcoal
- Carbon
- Debris contaminated with mercury
- Dental amalgam
- Mercury sludge
- Mercury spill kits
- Metallic mercury (pure/impure)
- Phosphor Powders
- Soil contaminated with mercury
- COD test solutions
- Mercury solutions
- Nessler’s reagent
- Water contaminated with mercury
- Fluorescent lamps (whole, broken, crushed)
- Compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s)
- HID lamps
- High-pressure sodium lamps
- Mercury vapor lamps
- Metal halide lamps
- Quartz lamps
- Ultraviolet lamps
- Barometers
- Industrial thermometers
- Manometers
- Medical thermometers
- Sphygmomanometers
Mercury Salts & Compounds
- Mercuric Acetate
- Mercuric Bromide
- Mercuric Bromide
- Mercuric Chloride
- Mercuric Chloride (ammoniated)
- Mercuric Iodate
- Mercuric Iodide
- Mercuric Nitrate
- Mercuric Oxide
- Mercuric Sulfate
- Mercuric Sulfide
- Mercurous Bromide
- Mercurous Chloride (calomel)
- Mercurous Iodide
- Mercurous Nitrate
- Mercurous Oxide
- Mercurous Sulfate
- Kelpak
Mercury wastes from
- Chlorine caustic soda operations
- Gold mining operations
- Norzink pollution control process
- Zinc mining operations